
Mobile Affiliate marketing vs. Desktop Performance Mobile Affiliate marketing vs. Desktop Performance

Mobile Affiliate marketing vs. Desktop Performance

Learn how mobile affiliate strategies can take your overall performance higher than ever before!

Building a market strategy for digital marketing requires research, dedication, motivation, but above all, discipline. In other words, your success is not measured by the tools you have at your disposal but by your approach. The latter aspect is at the core of any make-or-break moment for any business, online or offline.

Having a can-do attitude is a beautiful thing, but you need to know where your ads meet your target audience to truly succeed. With most people surfing the web through their smartphones and other handheld devices at a 67% majority, mobile marketing is not something you can or should ignore.

If anything, you should work towards making your ads and website more readily available to smartphones, tablets, etc.

Discover how optimizing your creatives to mobile can change your performance below!

User Behavior

Different users may show different preferences on their client journeys.

As we have stated above, user behavior is your number 1 indicator of where affiliate leads are coming from, what devices they are using to view your campaigns, and the websites they are coming through. The holy trio of the design, offer, and call-to-action (CTA) should all be created with the intent of driving your mobile affiliate marketing campaigns towards the finish line: the deposit page.

Once you knock over that initial barrier where they might get cold feet and run, you have better chances of getting those same leads to deposit again and again over time.

Smartphones are mainly used in the discovery phase of your client’s journey, where they come across your ads for the very first time. Incredible graphics and video content can make great hooks on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and dedicated landing pages.

The better your content delivers your core message, the stronger your chances of winning your leads over and turning them into loyal clients.

Keep It Short

Make sure your leads can get to your core message or pitch quickly.

Big chunks of content are great when you are reading something from your desktop computer. When you are trying to read long texts on your mobile phone, not so much. When you use mobile affiliate marketing strategies on your content, you should always keep it short and to the point.

No one is going to scroll through lengthy landing pages or blog articles unless they are home or stuck on a long train ride, and that is not a factor you can count on, unfortunately. Any mobile ad you create from here on out must have a maximum reading time of 2-3 minutes maximum. This rule may also apply to several parts of your website, with the exception of your blog. Web pages can be easily bookmarked and saved for a later date.

In addition, you have to consider different channels when planning your posts. While Facebook and Instagram have similar requirements, they may differ quite a bit from your website, Twitter, and Telegram communities.

“With most people surfing the web through their smartphones and other handheld devices at a 67% majority, mobile marketing is not something you can or should ignore.”

Images are Everything

You may not be a classic painter, but you can still choose great images.

Responsive web design is a commonly used phrase that refers to providing images that fit different sized screens, from desktops to laptops, smartphones, and tablets. Given that most of your users spend their screentime looking at their smartphones, you need to ensure that your Google ads, for example, have enough mobile sizes.

Once again, that last statement can and should be applied to all your platforms, including your website.

An image captures the eye and, given how good it looks, the attention of an otherwise unengaged target audience that is probably passing the time scrolling down their Facebook newsfeed. Make sure the image text is short and precise, clearly readable in any size you choose to create. You will also need to closely examine the images in different sizes to guarantee you are not about to spend money on an ad with a pixelated picture.

Every image has to be sharp regardless of how big or small it is, as the slightest mistake could cost you valuable leads.

Connecting across Platforms

All social media icons set up in a round 3D formation.

Connecting with your target audience does not stop at having awesome ads or content. Equally important factors include the when and where you attempt to reach your potential clientele. Based on their GEO location, age group, and interests, time and place significantly affect the success rate of your campaigns.

While teenagers and young adults prefer Instagram, the presence of adults with a professional background is more abundant on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Timing also becomes a key player in these instances, as you have to consider time zone differences. There are further peak times during the day for posts on various platforms and niche markets.

To achieve maximum exposure for your mobile affiliate marketing campaigns, you need to figure out the best timing for your scheduled posts on social media and announcements regarding hot market updates or your upcoming promotions.

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