
How to make Your Facebook Affiliate Campaign explode How to make Your Facebook Affiliate Campaign explode

How to make Your Facebook Affiliate Campaign explode

Get our experts’ best tips and tricks for your affiliate marketing campaign on Facebook!

Running campaigns on Facebook has become more challenging over time, and affiliate marketers often find themselves scrambling to make their best efforts translate into sales and FTDs. Finding new ways to entice your target audience, however, does not have to be one of Hercules’ impossible tasks. This task can be pretty simple.

Our experts at ROI Collective have gathered their best tips on how to create successful campaigns with relative ease.

Discover our team’s top recommendations for additions for your Facebook campaigns below!

Sell the Benefits, Not the Product

A lot of ads you will encounter on social media will rave about how great a product looks, but never give any indication that their product offers their clientele any added value. Once you do that, you run the risk of attracting the wrong type of client – that is, if you manage to attract any potential clients at all.

When creating an ad, you need to make sure that the leads coming onto your affiliate campaign are educated on your product’s benefits and how it can help them improve their quality of life. Got Bluetooth earbuds, for example? Show your target audience that they have a long battery life, charge quickly, and block external noises.

Keep It Short and Sweet

You may be tempted to bombard your leads with mountains of text explaining just how great your product or offer is, but that rarely goes well. When people are scrolling through social media newsfeeds, they are usually on the go and are unlikely to stop in order to read long-winded ads.

Get a concise and clear message that directly explains what you are offering them and how they could greatly benefit from it. Drawing their attention could prove difficult due to the sheer number of other affiliate campaigns running across their newsfeed, but you have to rise to the challenge.

Ease New Customers into Your Product

Another great way to give your campaign a major boost is to create a sort of “Thank you” message in video format. In this video, you get the chance to introduce and walk your buyers through the service or product. You can also use this opportunity to show them more of your relevant services or promote other offers.

This kind of video ad should only target new customers with the exception of repeat consumers who have decided to purchase complex products. Otherwise, you can stick to the instructions provided in your landing page or website.

Engage with Your Audience

Want to make sure your Facebook affiliate campaign hits close to home? Open with a question that targets their worries or needs. This move is part of the familiarization process where you create a connection with your target audience by empathizing with their experiences.

The way to use this hook is to follow the “Want [X]? Try [Y]!” formula, where you pose your offer as the solution. By making this simple yet highly effective association, you will be able to convince your target group that they need your product.

Getting Close and Personal

Following up on the familiarization trend, yet another effective method of creating personalized ads is to use the upcoming birthday tactic. By using the relevant targeting option with the workflow below, you will be able to touch base with this specific segment group:

Facebook Ad Manager > Power Editor > Create Saved Audience > Detailed Targeting > Demographics > Life Events > Upcoming Birthday

If your product could make an incredible birthday gift, you should definitely use that to your advantage.

Get more of ROI Collective’s expert-approved how-to and advanced guides right here!

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